Bhagavad Gita

1) I am like Argunta because there are things I do not want to do, but I find the strength to do it. For instance, I don’t like to do my homework and study for tests. However, I want to achieve good grades, so I persevere.

2) The Bhagavad Gita is a message to accomplish your duty. By applying your duty you are satisfying others and taking care of what must be done.

3) Perspective of one’s duty is different now than during ancient India. Then, you were expected to do your duty. This was an act of duty that was almost like a ritual and service to everyone including the gods. In the American perspective, we do our duty according to our bosses, societal expectations, etc.

4) The Bhagavad Gita can be used as a tool of oppression because if you do not preform your duty correctly, you will continue to be reincarnated.

Feng Shui

I am in the process of moving, so my bed tends to get messy. It is hard to allow Chi into my room when everything is messy. Now with more space, Chi can flow through. By cleaning up it honors the five elements because it provides relaxation, control, and more room. I think multiple aspects of life can relate to the Bagua. Now that I have cleaned up my bed, and put all of my clothes away, I feel so much better. I feel more relaxed and in control. I feel more excited about laying down for a quick nap.



The Taoist Walk

I really enjoyed the walk we took today. I have not been on that path before, but I think it is nice and secluded. The walk was very relaxing and free from distractions. It gave me a chance to wake up since I was still tired from the night before. Taoism helps people reach a sense of peace and freedom within. This walk was a reminder that we are to take life one breath at a time, and embrace the beautiful things.




One of the birdhouses from the walk

How I’ll Grow in 1181

While taking the 1181 course this semester, I plan to learn how to become more comfortable with a different working environment. I plan to improve my time management skills, as well as organization. I am taking this class not only for high school credit, but also for college. I am not sure what I would like to major in, but I am trying to get a jump start to my classes. I am also interested in the topics we will learn throughout this course.